Hi qmail-scanner-queue list,

I have found out how to replicate this orphaned perl process problem

create this file as /tmp/telnettext.txt
helo foo.com
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed;
        boundary="XXXXboundary text"

This is a multipart message in MIME format.

--XXXXboundary text
Content-Type: text/plain

this is the body text
put 250k or so of text in here.put 250k or so of text in here.put 250k or so
of text in here.put 250k or so of text in here.put 250k or so of text in
here.put 250k or so of text in here.put 250k or so of text in here.put 250k
or so of text in here.put 250k or so of text in here.put 250k or so of text
in here.put 250k or so of text in here.put 250k or so of text in here.put
250k or so of text in here.put 250k or so of text in here.put 250k or so of
text in here.put 250k or so of text in here.put 250k or so of text in
here.put 250k or so of text in here.put 250k or so of text in here.put 250k
or so of text in here.put 250k or so of text in here.put 250k or so of text
in here.put 250k or so of text in here.put 250k or so of text in here.put
250k or so of text in here.put 250k or so of text in here.put 250k or so of
text in here.put 250k or so of text in here.put 250k or so of text in
here.put 250k or so of text in here.put 250k or so of text in here.put 250k
or so of text in here.put 250k or so of text in here.put 250k or so of text
in here.

--XXXXboundary text
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Disposition: attachment;

this is the attachment text

--XXXXboundary text--



then run

cat /tmp/telnettext.txt | telnet your.mailserver.com 25
about 10 or 15 times in quick succession while watching the process list via
pstree on your mailserver - you should see


Also in the qmail-queue.log file you will see the line
22/06/2003 21:30:00:8661: g_e_h: no sender and no recips.

I have tested this on 2 of my mail servers and it seems to be the case on
both (one LWQ and one setup as was in 97 + added bits)- it seems that for
some reason only one box gets lots of mails like the above example from the
"real world" causing this problem.... i assume (but don't want to fully test
for obviius reasons) that if I create 20 concurrent connections and use 2
meg files, my machine goes bye bye.

Please can someone else verify what I am seeing - as this maybe a
qmail-scanner-queue.pl bug.  FWIW This is the section in
qmail-scanner-queue.pl that is creating the error.

  if ( $env_returnpath eq "" && $env_recips eq "" ) {
    #At the very least this is supposed to be $env_returnpath='F' - so
    #qmail-smtpd must be officially dropping the incoming message for
    #some (valid) reason (including the other end dropping the connection).
    &debug("g_e_h: no sender and no recips.");

Can someone test all that on their boxes please ?

(feeling like he is getting somewhere now - thanks for all the kind advice)

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