> Now... I'd also like to send SPAM (spamassassin marks anything with a 
> score of 7 or higher as spam on my system) to the bitbucket.  
> I'm well 
> aware that qmail-scanner doesn't do this by default, but I 
> wondered if I 
> can modify it for my purposes to just throw the mail to /dev/null if 
> it's spam.  Has anyone done this?

I wrote a patch to qmail-scanner that you may find useful. It doesn't
send the spam to /dev/null, what it does is give you a second threshold
for spam. The first threshold you set in SpamAssassin marks the email
as probably spam, the second threshold you set in qmail-scanner
(typically to a higher value) and any email's scoring above that
threshold get quarantined.

usage instructions:
cd qmail-scanner-1.16
patch -p1 <../quarantine-spam-qs1.16.patch
./configure ...configure options... --sa-quarantine 10 (example)

Chris Hine
(original email below)
> I'm submitting this patch just in case someone else finds it useful.
> Basically what it does is extend the spam checking, so that 
> if a message
> exceeds a certain configurable spam threshold, the message is 
> quarantined as
> though it had a virus.
> There is a new configure option (sa-quarantine) which is set 
> to whatever value
> above which you want messages to be quarantined. This is 
> turned off by default.
> There are a couple of checks done. First, obviously this is 
> only relevant if
> spamassassin is detected, also the value needs to be greater 
> than the spam
> threshold from spamassassin. The idea is to use a value above 
> which there are
> as few false positives as possible.
> The reason for writing this is that in the system we have 
> here all messages
> marked as spam are put in a queue to be checked. Any false 
> postives are manually
> sent on to the user, so anything that reduces the number of 
> mails to be checked
> is very useful. In the couple of months I have been keeping 
> track, we have had
> no false positives with a score over 10.
> We've been using it here for a while, and everything seems to 
> be working OK.
> Let me know if I've broken anything, or if anyone thinks this 
> is a bad idea.
> Chris Hine

Attachment: quarantine-spam-qs1.16.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: quarantine-spam-qs1.16.patch
Description: Binary data

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