Le Dimanche 23 Février 2003 20:58, Jason Haar a écrit :
> Please tell us what OS you are using, version numbers,etc.

Linux Mandrake 9.0 with all updates applied.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] control]# uname -r

[EMAIL PROTECTED] control]# rpm -q perl

> When I saw your posting, I tested it myself under Linux - it all worked as
> expected.

Uh, unfortunately, not here.

I was using qmail-scanner 1.14 and have updated to 1.16 today in the hope it 
might help, but it doesn't.

As a temporary workaround, I have done the following that works good for 
killing any f-prot process that would run more than 11 minutes, and nice it 
to 15 meanwhile, to avoid that it could eat all of my system resources:

- In qmail-scanner-queue.pl:
my $fprot_binary='nice -15 /usr/local/bin/f-prot';
my $MAXTIME=600;

- Wrote the attached /usr/local/sbin/killmadfprot.cron shell script

- Call it from CRON every 3 minutes to check if there could be a mad f-prot 
out there, and kill it.

Well, it works. As soon as killmadfprot.cron kills the mad f-prot (that is 
more than 11 minutes old), qmail-scanner immediately reports the timeout that 
occured (as it is set to 10 minutes).
But without the help of killmadfprot, f-prot will run forever, and 
qmail-scanner wont report any timeout...

Best regards.

Michel Bouissou <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> OpenPGP ID 0xDDE8AC6E

Attachment: killmadfprot.cron
Description: application/shellscript

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