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Hello Abraham,

If you know that your question isn't related to this list, why don't you
ask in the right place?

I think you should read the documentation again, especially the
dot-qmail manpage. (If you ask this sort of question in the qmail list
you'll not have much friends).

Beside this (at least in my country) it is illegal to monitor messages
of users without their explicit permission, you should check this first.

But now to your problem, if this is an incoming email you can simply put
the other two addresses in the users .qmail file like this:


For outgoing emails it isn't as easy as above, but I think you could do
this with a little perlscript in combination with qmail-qfilter or
directly in qmail-scanner.pl.

Hope this helps.

Simon Kowallik

Abraham wrote:
|  hey guys this is an off topic about qmail-scanner.  this is abut Qmail
| mailgroup capability But Any good suggestion will be appreciated.
|  1] This is the scenario
|      If a Certain user Sends email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> it would make a copy to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> and to [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> at the
| sametime Mandy can check his email This setup is use to monitor Users
| Emails....
|  everytime somebody sends email to Mandy admin will be having a copy and
| gmv users
|    Any idea how can i do this with QMAIL? what i have done is creating
| an alias .qmail-info then if somebody emails [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> it would send to to the ff reciepeints But info
| is not a user in the server its just an alias unlike with my question
| above... Mandy is a user.
|  any answers and sols will be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
| Cheers!
| Abraham


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