On Tue, 2002-12-10 at 12:59, Jason Haar wrote:

(I have actually contacted the original poster and they have now
resolved the problem.  Redundant scanning seemed to be the culprit,
although I have not noticed any performance impact when running
redundant scanning on my systems.  I've just included some rambling
thoughts here, feel free to skip this email)

> Well it does simply sound like your system is now too small for the current
> software I'm afraid. A year between engine updates is a LONG time - either
> McAfee have been very slack - or you have ;-)
Actually, the 4.1.60 engine is the current engine, and has been out for
a year now.  Based on this, I'd say that they actually got their engine
right a long time ago ;-)

Just one thing to mention, older engines have been known to generate
false positives when used with the newest DAT files.

> * look at other AV products. Someone elses may be less hungry than McAfee.
> Especically the daemonized ones such as Sophie and Trophie.
Actually, the McAfee (NAI) virus scanner is very resource-light.  From
what I've seen, it only takes up about 3MB of RAM per instance.

> * More hardware! Fixes everything ;-) This could be a bigger machine, or (my
> fav) more machines. DNS round-robin does a wonderful job of load balancing.

I'm quite fond of "layer 4 switching".  It's a bit (or a lot) more
expensive, but (IMHO) it beats having only half (or 2/3, or 3/4,
depending how many machines are in the cluster) of your email being
delivered until the DNS TTLs expire, and load balancing hardware tends
to notice failures and act on them a bit faster than humans editing DNS
records ;-)

Anyway, I'd just like to say a huge "thanks" for this software.  If
there's any way I can help with q-s v2, please tell me (and the rest of
the mailing list!)
Joel Michael                    |  Phone:       +61 7 3367 3555
Systems Administrator           |  Fax:         +61 7 3367 3544
WorldHosting.org Pty. Ltd.      |  Mobile:      +61 408 336 728
http://www.worldhosting.org/    |  Email:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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