
Wow, cool.

One note, wouldn't it be better to have a comma seperate list of domains
that are local rather than a list that are vpopmail domains?

If people are using vpopmail then they would have to re-compile
qmail-scanner everytime they add a domain (or at least edit the source code,
for those of us capable of doing so).



----- Original Message -----
From: "Wilton Wong" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'qmail scanner'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2002 5:59 PM
Subject: Re: [Qmail-scanner-general]qmail scanner with vpopmail and

On my setup here I am using relay-ctrl (http://untroubled.org/relay-ctrl/)
that I can control SMTP relaying from users that authenticate thru
pop3/pop3-ssl and imap/imap-ssl. (yes vpopmail roaming works as well but it
doesn't do anything for my imap users).

I've also attached my patch to qmail-scanner-1.15 a friend of mine already
posted it to the sourceforge site in the patches section.. guess noone
took notice ;) anyways it Works-for-Me(tm) I use mysql to store all of the
spamassassin prefs which makes it easy for my users to come in via the web
change their own whitelists etc.. I also disable the sitewide AWL cause all
need is one user doing "blacklist_from *.com" to make a huge mess of things.

This patch allows per-user configuration rules for spamassassin.  It
supports real as well as virtual domains (via vpopmail).  .qmail aliases
can also be aliased to the real account so that only one set of rules needs
to be maintained.

grabs the username to pass to spamc from the RCPTTO: note that broken
spammers do things like:


and this will be parsed incorrectly..

Has only been tested with user-prefs stored in mysql database (but other
ways "should" work ;) ).

In addition to checking for RELAYCLIENT to see if message should be
scanned, now also checks QMAILLOCALUSER.  This is to prevent outgoing mail
sent via the shell from being scanned.  QMAILLOCALUSER should be set in the
/etc/profile or in a script in /etc/profile.d

This patch has only been tested on a couple servers and no warranty is
expressed or implied.

Questions/comments should be forwarded to "wwong at blackstar.net"

Patch to qmail-scanner-1.15 and run ./configure .. it "should work"

New options to ./configure:
--vpop-domains "one.domain,two.domain" Defaults to nothing
                                Comma-separated list (no spaces!)
                                of domains that are vpopmail domains.
                                this controls the behavior of SpamAssassin's
                                user prefs any mail checked for a vpopmail
                                domain SA will be passed -u
                                all other domains SA will only be passed
                                -u "user".

To do alias mappings see the example qmail-scanner-aliases file that is
included, create a /var/qmail/users/qmail-scanner-aliases file to suit your
own needs, make sure it is chown qmailq and chmod 0600, this is because
there is basically almost no sanity checks on this file ;) and potentially
using this file you can pass spamc extra arguments.. maybe.. could be a
security hazard.

What is really needed is a suid program that does the sanity checking and
adds and removes line in this file. If you look at the example
qmail-scanner-aliases file you will see why the sanity checking should be
in another program.. too much over head ;)

- Wilton

 ----[   Wilton William
g    ]---------------------------------------------
   16127-57 Street          Ph : 01-780-456-0344
   Edmonton, Alberta        FAX: 01-780-456-0344       Cell: 01-780-975-2880
   T5Y 2T1, Canada                   URL: https://www.blackstar.net/
 ---------------------------------------------[ BlackStar
Communications ]----

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