Hello there, this is a patch to fix some grammatical/style flaws of Polish locales in qmail-scanner-1.14
(c) 2002 Filip Rembialkowski, use freely Usage: cd <qmail-scanner source root dir> && patch -p1 < this.file diff -cr qmail-scanner-1.14/locale/pl_PL/recips_content qmail-scanner-1.14-fixed_locale_pl_PL/locale/pl_PL/recips_content *** qmail-scanner-1.14/locale/pl_PL/recips_content Tue Sep 4 10:58:17 2001 --- qmail-scanner-1.14-fixed_locale_pl_PL/locale/pl_PL/recips_content Fri Oct 4 16:11:06 2002 *************** *** 3,11 **** %%quarantine_description ! Prosze sie skontaktowac ze swoim dzialem I.T w razie jakis pytan odnosnie tego zabezpieczenia. ! Please contact your I.T support personnel with any queries regarding this policy. Wiadomosc ktora zostala do ciebie wyslana byla zaadresowana: --- 3,11 ---- %%quarantine_description ! Prosze sie skontaktowac ze swoim dzialem IT w razie jakis pytan odnosnie tego zabezpieczenia. ! Please contact your IT support personnel with any queries regarding this policy. Wiadomosc ktora zostala do ciebie wyslana byla zaadresowana: diff -cr qmail-scanner-1.14/locale/pl_PL/recips_msg_description qmail-scanner-1.14-fixed_locale_pl_PL/locale/pl_PL/recips_msg_description *** qmail-scanner-1.14/locale/pl_PL/recips_msg_description Tue Sep 4 11:16:11 2001 --- qmail-scanner-1.14-fixed_locale_pl_PL/locale/pl_PL/recips_msg_description Fri Oct 4 16:11:06 2002 *************** *** 3,11 **** %%quarantine_description ! Prosze sie skontaktowac ze swoim dzialem I.T w razie jakis pytan odnosnie tego zabezpieczenia. ! Please contact your I.T support personnel with any queries regarding this policy. Wiadomosc, ktora zostala do ciebie wyslana byla zaadresowana: --- 3,11 ---- %%quarantine_description ! Prosze sie skontaktowac ze swoim dzialem IT w razie jakis pytan odnosnie tego zabezpieczenia. ! Please contact your IT support personnel with any queries regarding this policy. Wiadomosc, ktora zostala do ciebie wyslana byla zaadresowana: diff -cr qmail-scanner-1.14/locale/pl_PL/recips_not_automated_mail_note qmail-scanner-1.14-fixed_locale_pl_PL/locale/pl_PL/recips_not_automated_mail_note *** qmail-scanner-1.14/locale/pl_PL/recips_not_automated_mail_note Fri Sep 7 22:31:52 2001 --- qmail-scanner-1.14-fixed_locale_pl_PL/locale/pl_PL/recips_not_automated_mail_note Fri Oct 4 16:11:06 2002 *************** *** 1,7 **** ! [Wiadomosc zostala wyslana pod adres pochodzenia, z informacja ze ! zawierala wirusa w wiadomosci zaadresowanej do ciebie. Nie wymagane ! sa zadne przedsiewziecia z twojej strony] ! [A message has been sent to the originator, stating there is a virus ! in the Email they just sent to you. No further action is required on ! your part.] --- 1,5 ---- ! [Pod adres pochodzenia zostala wyslana informacja, ze w wiadomosci zaadresowanej do ciebie znajdowal sie wirus. ! Nie wymagane sa zadne dzialania z twojej strony.] ! [A message has been sent to the originator, stating there is a virus in the Email they just sent to you. ! No further action is required on your part.] diff -cr qmail-scanner-1.14/locale/pl_PL/sender_msg_description qmail-scanner-1.14-fixed_locale_pl_PL/locale/pl_PL/sender_msg_description *** qmail-scanner-1.14/locale/pl_PL/sender_msg_description Tue Sep 4 11:16:29 2001 --- qmail-scanner-1.14-fixed_locale_pl_PL/locale/pl_PL/sender_msg_description Fri Oct 4 16:11:06 2002 *************** *** 1,5 **** ! Wiadomosci, ktora zostala przez ciebie wyslana byla zaadresowana: Your message was sent with the following envelope: MAIL FROM: %%returnpath --- 1,5 ---- ! Wiadomosc, ktora zostala przez ciebie wyslana byla zaadresowana: Your message was sent with the following envelope: MAIL FROM: %%returnpath diff -cr qmail-scanner-1.14/locale/pl_PL/sender_other_content qmail-scanner-1.14-fixed_locale_pl_PL/locale/pl_PL/sender_other_content *** qmail-scanner-1.14/locale/pl_PL/sender_other_content Tue Sep 4 11:17:45 2001 --- qmail-scanner-1.14-fixed_locale_pl_PL/locale/pl_PL/sender_other_content Fri Oct 4 16:11:06 2002 *************** *** 1,5 **** ! Prosze sie skontaktowac ze swoim dzialem I.T w razie jakis pytan odnosnie tego zabezpieczenia. ! Please contact your I.T support personnel with any queries regarding this policy. --- 1,5 ---- ! Prosze sie skontaktowac ze swoim dzialem IT w razie jakis pytan odnosnie tego zabezpieczenia. ! Please contact your IT support personnel with any queries regarding this policy. diff -cr qmail-scanner-1.14/locale/pl_PL/sender_virus_content qmail-scanner-1.14-fixed_locale_pl_PL/locale/pl_PL/sender_virus_content *** qmail-scanner-1.14/locale/pl_PL/sender_virus_content Fri Sep 7 22:23:29 2001 --- qmail-scanner-1.14-fixed_locale_pl_PL/locale/pl_PL/sender_virus_content Fri Oct 4 16:11:06 2002 *************** *** 1,6 **** Prosze uaktualnic swoj program antywirusowy albo skontaktowac sie ! ze swoim dzialem I.T jak szybko to mozliwe w celu poinformowania ! o znajdujacym sie wirusie w twoim systemie. ! Please update your virus scanner or contact your I.T support personnel as soon as possible as you have a virus on your system. --- 1,6 ---- Prosze uaktualnic swoj program antywirusowy albo skontaktowac sie ! ze swoim dzialem IT jak szybko to mozliwe w celu poinformowania ! o wirusie znajdujacym sie w twoim systemie. ! Please update your virus scanner or contact your IT support personnel as soon as possible as you have a virus on your system. ------------------------------------------------------- This sf.net email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek Welcome to geek heaven. http://thinkgeek.com/sf _______________________________________________ Qmail-scanner-general mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/qmail-scanner-general