I have installed qmail-scanner, and it reports no errors. In the install guide i read this:
At this stage qmail-smtpd will need to be "told" that Qmail knows to use qmail-scanner-queue.pl instead of qmail-queue.
i guess this is the final step that will get tings up and running :), -but i cant locate the file i should alter.. (i have to say im not that familiar with qmail..)
My qmail installation is rather plain (i followed www.lifewithqmail.org/lwq.html step by step) i have installed vpopmail qmailadmin qmailsmtpd sqwebmail etc etc... and everything is working like a dream...but this (i assume) last step that will make me acheive my goals, is not yet solved..
ANY ideas would be apriciated,
(sorry about the language, english is not my native language..)
Best Regards,
Kenneth Grande.
Infrastructure Manager, aspIT (www.aspit.no

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