Hello Dave,

Monday, August 19, 2002, 9:49:57 AM, you wrote:

DS> The weird thing is that clamscan works when I do
DS> contrib/test_installation.sh, but not when it's
DS> run via SMTP. I even
DS> ran the test as user qmaild and it worked fine.

ehm, just guessing, maybe it is a permission problem??
Seems like
permission conflict is the most frequent problem when we
problem with Qmail

One suggestion, maybe we can collectively write/add FAQ
to deal with
permission's problem??

DS> OK, one last thought... I disabled softlimit and tried
DS> again. Bingo: worked like a charm. Why the hell didn't

hemmmm, you're problem is more or less same as me :-))
Softlimit drive
me crazy :-)) One clue : maybe your clamscan need to be
stripped?? or
maybe clamscan itself call some library (dynamically)
that drains

DS> running out of memory? And why the hell does
DS> clamscan need more than
DS> 10,000,000 bytes? Sigh.

Geezzz, ~10Megs??

Best regards,

Best regards,
 Mulyadi                          mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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