Mike Burkhouse wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am trying to understand how qmail-scanner and spamassassin work together
> so that I can create the optimal installation for my needs.
> I am running qmail-1.0.3, spamassassin-2.3.1, qmail-scanner-1.13,
> clamscan-0.22
> I intend to use qmail-scanner/spamAssassin globally, not at the Maildir
> level.  I installed spamAssassin and tested.  When I run qmail-scanner
> configure --scanners clamscan,verbose_spamassassin, I get the following
> message:
> Something like the SpamAssassin spamc is present, but not working -
> ignoring...

the test that is failing is:
DD="`$SPAMC_BINARY $SA_HN < ./contrib/spamc-nice.eml`"
   if [ "$?" != "0" -o "`echo $DD|grep 'X-Spam-Status: No'`" = "" ]; then
   echo "Something like the SpamAssassin spamc is present, but not working -
so....test it manually. Assuming spamc is running and on localhost:
$ cd /path/to/qmail-scanner-1.13/contrib
$ /path/to/spamc < ./spamc-nice.eml
and see if you find a line with 'X-Spam-Status: No' returned

possible problems:
- path to spamc can't be determined (check root's $PATH)
- permissions problem (need execute)

> I thought I understood that qmail-scanner would call spamAssassin so that I
> would not need to call spamAssassin from Maildrop.  Am I wrong?  

you are right.

RE: clamscan
I'd suggest you turn on config option 'debug yes' at least during first few
days, and watch the qmail-queue.log for things like:
  --output of clamscan was:
  ERROR: CRITICAL: Can't allocate memory.
I tried increasing qmail softlimit and I tried working through this issue
privately with the calmav author but I can't work around it sorry to say. 
This is on a RedHat 7.2 PIII, 256Mb RAM system with qmail1.03, SA2.31,
clamscan .22 and Q-S 1.13.
You may have no problems at all, this is just a note of one particular problem
I had.

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