Hmm, no one had anything to say abou this?!?!  :(

I haven't seen any zombies developing since I wrote this original message
but I expect that they'll creep up again if I just leave things this way.
Could it be a load issue?  Right now my box is pretty slammed.  All inbound
(via mx) mail is hitting this ONE Ultra1 and being scanned so it's working
pretty hard.  When I load balance to the two other ultra1's load should drop
quite a bit and maybe this problem will go away on it's own.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Chris Bunnell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "qmail-scanner-list" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2002 12:06 AM
Subject: [Qmail-scanner-general]zombie processes

> Hello list,
> Hey, I'm getting alot of zombie's knocking on the door now that I've got
> qmail-scanner in production.  Not good!
> Here's some specs:
> Sun Ultra1 Solaris 7 (probably most current patch cluster... ;) if not,
> by much.
> qmail, vpopmail 5.3.5, qmail-scanner 1.10
> The zombies are owned by qmaild so I'm guessing it's the qmail-scanner.  I
> don't have a great grasp on what/how zombies are/created.  Seems like it'd
> take non-script programs (ie. "C") running making the calls to child
> processes to cause them.  I doubt Perl is causing them.
> Any suggestions?  I know I gave pretty limited info... It's late.  I'll
> elaborate if anyone needs more info to help.
> Thanks all!  I have full confidence in this group.
> Chris Bunnell
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