Introduction/use of these additional parameters:
--hostname “name of host”
--return-path “[EMAIL PROTECTED]”
--local-domains-file "file-path"
Other requests:
1) Have on external files (like is already done for most messages) all the equivalents of “virus found”, “illegal attachment found”, “problem”, in order to let us translate within local files these words also.
2) Eliminate the
lines (they make confusion, as end users do not understand that this FROM: address is instead the return-path), and enrich the headers display, adding
It would be nice to enrich these lines adding the text body of the blocked message and putting all these lines in an external text file, letting us to customize (and translate) these lines also.
The most is carried out in locale files, the best is for me (and all not english language ISP, I suppose).
3) eliminate the 'system part' of the various scanners paths that are displayed, in order to avoid to send externally informations about internal configuration. I did this within nod32 patches.
So, messages like
---perlscanner results ---
Attachment .SCR disallowed' found in file /var/qmail/qmailscan/spool/smtp.ufficiopostale.it102123381236351446/src.scr
should become:
---perlscanner results ---
Attachment .SCR disallowed' found in file .../src.scr
Ciao and thanks,
Inter@zioni Interazioni di Antonio Nati [EMAIL PROTECTED]