Hi all,

I've got a new mailserver with Qmail-Scanner 1.12, uvscan 4.16
(NAI/McAffee), and SpamAssassin 2.21.
The problem I'm having is - regardless of what I try to 'force' it to do -
it is refusing ot see the uvscan.
It will always see SpamAssasin, and never see McAffee.

I have tried a billion ways.. (the instruction doesn't say whether it should
be scanner1,scanner2,scanner3 or scanner1, scanner2, scanner3 or "scanner1
scanner2 scanner3" .. I tried just about every combination, obviously).

I dont know perl, so I dont know what I should edit into the
qmail-scanner-queue.pl file to 'force' it to see my uvscan.  I did see the
part where it said path to uvscan (which was empty) - and I filled that in.
However, I dont know the syntax to fit the 'array':

my @scanner_array=('spamassassin','uvscan');  (or)
my @scanner_array=("spamassassin","uvscan"); (or)
my @scanner_array=("spammassasin,uvscan");

... etc.  All are erroring.  It's driving me bonkers, because Qmail-Scanner
has always worked fine for me before :)
Then again I didn't have spam assassin installed then, but I'd hate to have
to give that up to get virus scanning back.

Anyway, if anyone has any ideas - I'd love to hear them. :)  (on the
./configure example below - I tried both specifying only uvscan, and also
not specifying any (letting it do autodetect).  It still always came up with
only spamassassin.

- J

# which uvscan
/usr/bin/uvscan (symlinked; installed in /usr/local/bin/uvscan)

# which spamassassin

# ./configure --lang "en_GB" --local-domains "abc.com,def.com" --notify
"nmladm" --admin spam --domain abc.com --scanners uvscan,fast_spamassassin


/usr/bin/uudecode works as expected on system...
Found tnef on your system! That means we'll be able to decode stupid
M$ attachments :-)

The following binaries and scanners were found on your system:


Content/Virus Scanners installed on your System


Qmail-Scanner details.


If that looks correct, I will now generate qmail-scanner-queue.pl
for your system...

Continue? ([Y]/N)


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