> well, you just got rid of the reason why you where using daemontools in
> the first place... if you don't want daemontools, don't use it.

Right, I DO want to use it.  I just didn't want to have to create multiple
instances of supervise for each one..  I guess I was hoping supervise could
observe one "run" that contained multiple TCPSERVER and if any of them died,
it would restart all of them..

> supervise can only supervise one exec. if you want to supervise two
> different execs, you'll need two supervises (two run scripts)
> instead of the mess you are getting up there, you could write a regular
> startup script (which then would enable you to shut down both
> processes)
> now, what is it, that is so hard about running two supervised instances
> of tcpserver?

You're right.  Two is not hard.  I would actually have 5 just to start with
and additional ones for every VISP we host.

What might make more sense is maybe a number of servers set up to bind with
"all" ip's and run qmail-scanner, then another cluster of servers that
doesn't run qmail-scanner.  Then point the MX to one cluster (round-robin)
or the other.  Scan or no-scan...

Thanks again for the help.  Your time and thoughts are appreciated.

Chris Bunnell

> # cd /var/qmail/supervise
> # cp qmail-smtpd qmail-smtpd-noscan
> # echo "new-ip" > ./qmail-smtpd-noscan/env/IP
> # ln -s /var/qmail/supervise/qmail-smtpd-noscan /service
> (this is highly depandent on you setup and might not work at all, screw
> up your system etc)
> >
> > Thanks for the suggestions so far.  Maybe these's some additional
> > ideas out there.
> >
> > Chris Bunnell
> >
> --
> regards
> Thilo


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