problem is probably how you're running spamd ...  Looks like
qmail-scanner tries to connect using the default port (port not
specified on command line of spamc).  Make sure you're not specifing a
port on spamd when you run it, or, edit the qmail-scanner configure
script to run spamc with the right port option (around line 635 in the
configure script for qmail-scanner 1.11)

Personally, I don't do site-wide spam scanning.  I'm going to offer it
as a service to my users (for free).  Basically, they can "opt-in" to
spam filtering.  When I do filter their spam, I'm going to filter it to
a Maildir/.SPAM folder that's only accessable through IMAP or Sqwebmail.
I'm also expiring all messages in that folder after 72 hours.  The idea
is that if a piece of mail gets tagged as spam and it shouldn't (and
they actually check their spam on a regular basis), they can move those
messages into their inbox and retrieve them with their mail client.  Now
to hack Sqwebmail to allow them to whitelist messages accidentally
tagged ... :-)

Enough about anti-spam ... I guess this is the qmail-scanner list.  :-)


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of
Robert Leonard
Sent: Friday, May 03, 2002 10:14 PM
Subject: [Qmail-scanner-general]Qmail-Scanner and SpamAssassin...

I'm sorry to mix the applications, but I've run out of ideas.. and
thought maybe one of you had had a similiar problem.. I'm a newbie who
is trying really hard to get this to work!  :)
I am using Daemontools and TCPServer... I have Qmail running, I have
SpamAssassin installed and the Daemon Started, I have Qmail-scanner
installed and running, but I can't seem to get the scanner to use
SpamAssassin!  When I run the SA samples through SA, they get flagged
correctly, and when I run the samples for Qmail-Scanner, they get
flagged correctly....  but the two together, don't seem to work!
When I use the ./configure command from Qmail-Scanner I get an error
"Something like SpamAssassin SpamC is present, but not working, -
Any idea why this might be??  Any suggestions as to where I can look or
what I can do to verify that all is well? 


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