> On Sat, Apr 20, 2002 at 06:14:56PM +0200, Nerijus Baliunas wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I sent 3 MB size file named 'asdfg'. qmail-queue.log shows that
> message was delivered 2 times,
> > but recipient got only one. If qmail delivered only message of
> 2nd attempt, why qmail-scanner
> > scanned message of 1st attempt (it probably timeouted and was not
> fully received from remote
> > smtp server)?
> Why did it take so long? Well from what I can see from your logs (good
> detail - thanks), you've got a AMD 1200 - so CPU can't be the limiting
> issue. The SMTP client address was 192.168... - so I guess it's on the same
> Ethernet as the server - so network performance shouldn't be the issue
> either. The scanner claims it took 1 sec to complete - so that leaves
> reformime or other perl parts.
> Those parts have no bugs as far as I'm aware, so I'm afraid you've got a job
> to find the cause. I certainly have not seen that behaviour before.

Does any of your filesystems use NFS ?? Did you have a temporary NFS outage or
something ??


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