> On Mon, Apr 22, 2002 at 07:37:42AM +1000, Kenneth wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I recently could not find the scanner result
> > files under /var/spool/qmailscan/
> It doesn't store it there!
> See the Email you would have been sent as the admin - it says the original
> message is stored under /var/spool/qmailscan/quarantine/new/
> Q-S doesn't leave the temp files lying around - you'd run out of disk space
> in no time! :-)

On a tempfail return code, qmail-scanner leaves both the temp files as well as
the original in working/new as I discovered recently.

In my razor patch to qmail-scanner 1.03 (which I am still using -
unfortunately) I read in the raw email to an array, so it can be passed to
razor for scanning. The particular messages it was having problems with where
only 500k, or less, yet when I finally tracked it down, it was an Out of
Memory issue.

Given that you know the number of bytes required, can you pre-size the array
without hitting the memory error, and *IF* you run out of memory, then
automatically skip the razor spam check?

I already do a size check to ensure the original message was less that 500k
before scanning... for the moment I just reduced the size of a message that
would be scanned to 200k.

My softlimit is set to 10MB


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