Hi all,

I am looking for ideas/examples how to create a report (or an atlas) where for 
each object (e.g. public gardens) we have a variable number of photos (let's 
say 1 up to 9) that we would like to display.

The photos are named and stored so that we can fetch them by an expression like 
@project_folder  || '/photos/' || "object_id" || '/basename_' || "picture_id" 
|| '.jpg'

The issue I run into is that I would need a loop to get all the photos in the 
object_id folder and that depending on the number I'd probably have, one up to 
three pages with photos depending on the layout.

A very simple example of a layout would be like this : 

Any suggestions how to approach it? Report or atlas?
With an HTML element block maybe?
Any existing examples?

Many thanks for your help and best regards,

François Voisard
Ingénieur en géomatique

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