Hi Lilas,

In my bubble we use NetCDF for that.

First the NetCDF-CF convention (regular grids + time dimension): 

But now the UGRID convention 
adding irregular grid functionality

QGIS (via MDAL) is pretty good in (fast) visualising this using the Temporal 

Some example data in the test directory of the MDAL code:

Some hurdles:
- netcdf is pretty loose in it's definition: sometimes it is hard to get the 
file format right
- loading/styling a mesh in QGIS involves a lot of steps
- QGIS still has some small issues, my main one: always missing the last 
timestep :-) but there are more (like not handling negative time steps ...)

I do have some python code laying around for a simple plugin, which 'just load 
and visualizes' a netcdf (based on some color ramp txt files. Let me know if 
you would be interested in that.

HTH & Regards,

Richard Duivenvoorde

On 22-01-2025 11:18, Lilas Bugeau via QGIS-User wrote:
Dear all,

I am currently working on a project and I have a question about the file format 
I should use so that I can open it in QGIS.

Specifically, I need to store data from an irregular mesh and the results of a 
hydrological simulation on that mesh in a binary file.

My main requirement is that the file format should allow me to visualize both 
the mesh and the simulation results in QGIS, including the use of the temporal 
control panel. So I need to store all the time steps from the simulation within 
the file.

If anyone has experience with a suitable file format or can point me to 
resources or solutions for this, I’d really appreciate it.

Thank you in advance for your time and assistance.

Best regards,

Lilas Bugeau

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