Hi Julia,
without more detailed info about your data (and the QGIS version used)
and about how did you set the symbolization options, it would be
difficult to understand what's exactly the issue and how to help you to
fix it.
I would suggest you to read the documentation available at [1] and [2].
Julia | Bureau Endemica Julia at endemica.nl
Tue Jan 21 04:42:12 PST 2025
When I use categorized symbology on my polygon shapefile in QGIS, a part of the features is
assigned the category "other values". Then, the features in this category receive that
same color. In my case, however, I also want the features that end up under "other
values" to be categorized with their own color. I don't understand how to change that and I
also don't understand why specifically these features are categorized as other values. Is there
anyone who can help me with this?
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