Hi I'm using an expression to select dangle lines on a vector layer :
aggregate( layer:=@layer , aggregate:='count', expression:=id_graphe, filter:=intersects($geometry, end_point(geometry(@parent)))) - 1 = 0 or aggregate( layer:= @layer , aggregate:='count', expression:=id_graphe, filter:=intersects($geometry, start_point(geometry(@parent)))) - 1 = 0 It works fine in UI But with same data when I want to use this expression in Processing, selecting dangle lines fails (no errors, but 0 selected lines) I update expression in order to follow processing syntax an replace layer reference (@layer) by output alg (@Extraire_par_localisation_OUTPUT): aggregate( layer:=@Extraire_par_localisation_OUTPUT , aggregate:='count', expression:=id_graphe, filter:=intersects($geometry, end_point(geometry(@parent)))) - 1 = 0 or aggregate( layer:= @Extraire_par_localisation_OUTPUT , aggregate:='count', expression:=id_graphe, filter:=intersects($geometry, start_point(geometry(@parent)))) - 1 = 0 this without success. What is the right way to achieve that ? Thanks [cid:image009.jpg@01DB6B41.48EBF0B0] Sylvain PIERRE Chef de projet système d'information Direction des Systèmes d'Information et du Développement Numérique Service Projets et Ingénierie Numérique Collectivité européenne d'Alsace Tél : 03 88 76 68 88 sylvain.pie...@alsace.eu<mailto:sylvain.pie...@alsace.eu> www.alsace.eu<http://www.alsace.eu> [facebook]<http://www.facebook.com/toutelalsace> [twitter] <http://www.twitter.com/toutelalsace> [insta] <http://www.instagram.com/toutelalsace>
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