
 I recently built a Windows virtual machine to be able to test an
interaction between QGIS and SAGA GIS, and the way that I found most
convenient is the one detailed in the QGIS in Mineral Exploration's How
To's Compilation:

 You probably installed the stand-alone version of QGIS, which is installed
by default in C:/ProgramFiles. However, in the start menu you will find the
OSGeo4W Setup application, which distributes geospatial packages that are
installed in the same environment as QGIS. If you installed QGIS via
OSGeo4W, you will already be familiar with it. If not, it is still not very

 In summary, you install the SAGA packages via the OSGeo4W Advanced
Installer, install the SAGA Next Gen Provider plugin in QGIS, and configure
the path to the application binaries in the Processing section of QGIS


El mar, 17 dic 2024 a la(s) 5:06 p.m., Peter A Ronning via QGIS-User (
qgis-user@lists.osgeo.org) escribió:

> I installed version 3.40.1 on a Windows 11 machine a few days ago.  I
> expected to find the SAGA Raster tools in the Processing Toolbox, just as
> in the older version 3.28 that I have on another machine.  However, in
> 3.40.1 they aren’t there.
> When I installed 3.40.1 I went with the defaults.  I can see the SAGA
> folders under “Program Files\QGIS 3.40.1\apps\saga\ …”, so they were
> installed.  Does anyone have any ideas as to how I can make the SAGA tools
> available in this version of QGIS?
> Thanks: Peter Ronning
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