Hi Pat,
Step 1 (already done): import csv as "Delimited Text Layer". Since there
are no coordinates this results in a geometry-less layer.
Step 2: export and load the just imported csv as vector-layer
(GeoPackage, Shape), geometry-type "Point", desired projection. This
results in a Point-Layer with the same features and attributes as the
csv but still without valid geometries.
Step 3: Update the empty geometries with valid points. Sadly there is a
lack in QGis, edit existing geometries => OK, creating new features with
geometries => OK, update geometries in geometry-less features => not
supported out-of-the-box.
So I (not Anthropic Claude 😉) wrote a script, attached as python file.
Operating instructions:
1: Load script into python console
2: activate the exported vector-layer from step 2
3. run the script
4. open attribute-table
5. select the desired feature in table
6. digitize the point-geometry for the selected feature by click on map
7. repeat steps 5 and 6 as often as you like
8. stop and save edits
Afterwards the features have valid geometries and can be edited with
QGis on-board tools
The script does not write coordinates to the attribute-table but creates
point-geometries. You can afterwards extract x- and y-coordinates into
according fields by QGis-Field-Calculator.
Am 02.12.24 um 14:08 schrieb Pat Brown via QGIS-User:
I have a csv file with data about various mines. It includes
descriptions of locality but no coordinates. I have added this file
to qgis and created a shapefile. I now want to add the coordinates of
each mine by searching for its locality on a basemap in qgis then
clicking on the map to add the coordinates to the shapefile attribute
table. Is this possible or do I have to search for each location on
Google Earth, for example, then write out the coordinates and add them
to the attribute table manually?
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class MapToolUpdateNullGeometry(QgsMapToolEmitPoint):
Script to digitize point-geometries for features without geometries
Operating instructions:
1: Load script into python console
2: activate point-layer
3. run the script
4. open attribute-table
5. select the row for which you want to update the empty geometry
6. digitize the point-geometry by click on map
Repeat steps 5 and 6.
Afterwards the features have valid geometries and can be edited as usual with QGis on-board tools
def __init__(self, iface, target_layer):
QgsMapToolEmitPoint.__init__(self, iface.mapCanvas())
self.iface = iface
self.target_layer = target_layer
if not self.target_layer.isEditable():
self.qvm = QgsVertexMarker(iface.mapCanvas())
self.qvm.setColor(QColor(0, 255, 0))
# remove Marker
self.deactivated.connect(lambda: iface.mapCanvas().scene().removeItem(self.qvm))
def canvasMoveEvent(self, event: QgsMapMouseEvent) -> None:
def canvasReleaseEvent(self, event: QgsMapMouseEvent) -> None:
if self.target_layer.isEditable():
if self.target_layer.selectedFeatureCount() == 1:
for feature in self.target_layer.getSelectedFeatures():
release_point = QgsGeometry.fromPointXY(event.mapPoint())
release_point.transform(qgis._core.QgsCoordinateTransform(self.iface.mapCanvas().mapSettings().destinationCrs(),self.target_layer.crs(), qgis._core.QgsProject.instance()))
self.iface.messageBar().pushMessage('MapToolUpdateNullGeometry', f'Geometry for feature #{feature.id()} created!', level=qgis._core.Qgis.Success)
self.iface.messageBar().pushMessage('MapToolUpdateNullGeometry', 'Please select single feature!', level=qgis._core.Qgis.Info, duration=10)
self.iface.messageBar().pushMessage('MapToolUpdateNullGeometry', 'Target-Layer not editable!', level=qgis._core.Qgis.Info, duration=10)
map_tool = MapToolUpdateNullGeometry(iface,iface.activeLayer())
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