

My first thought has been  Scale Dependant Visibility but I confirmed that
it was off. However, text displays ok when I zoom in but the symbology lines
or points vanish – I don’t think one could do this with SDV without two
instances of the same layer and different styling.


The suggestion of trying an earlier version of QGIS may be worth
investigating. I’m returning to QGIS now because we’ve had very bad flooding
(again) but I haven’t been involved for the last five years due to health
issues. A wrecked computer and finding that all the backups hadn’t been 100%
is rather complicating matters.


I’ve found old QGIS setup exe files from 2013 and 2014 which I haven’t tried
to run yet as I’m not sure if they would load an earlier version in parallel
with my later version. 


Also, as the problem is associated with shapefiles, are there any
suggestions as to how then could be “sanitised”? It seems the problem files
are layers that I have created with earlier versions of QGIS while similar
aged ones that I’ve downloaded from Ordinance Survey work fine.




From: Karl Magnus Jönsson [mailto:karl-magnus.jons...@kristianstad.se] 
Sent: 28 November 2024 14:59
To: Richard McDonnell; Andrew Chapman; qgis-user@lists.osgeo.org
Subject: Sv: [Qgis-user] Shapefile symbology no longer working when zoom in



Which old version are you migrating from? Could be worth trying some
intermediate version of QGIS. Open and save and then go to 3.40.


Kind regards


Karl-Magnus Jönsson


Från: QGIS-User <qgis-user-boun...@lists.osgeo.org> För Richard McDonnell
via QGIS-User
Skickat: den 28 november 2024 15:07
Till: Andrew Chapman <andrew.chap...@donkagen.co.uk>;
Ämne: Re: [Qgis-user] Shapefile symbology no longer working when zoom in


Hi Andrew, 

Sounds like you have set Scale Dependant Visibility, setting a Min or Max
Scale in the Symbology or Rendering on the Layer Properties

That would be my first port of call anyway.

Kind Regard’s,





Richard McDonnell MSc GIS, FME Certified Professional
Flood Risk Management - Data Management

Oifig na nOibreacha Poiblí
Office of Public Works

Sráid Jonathan Swift, Baile Átha Troim, Co na Mí, C15 NX36 
Jonathan Swift Street, Trim, Co Meath, C15 NX36
M +353 87 688 5964 T +353 46 942 2409

To send me files larger than 30MB, please use the link below

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From: QGIS-User <qgis-user-boun...@lists.osgeo.org> On Behalf Of Andrew
Chapman via QGIS-User
Sent: 28 November 2024 13:38
To: qgis-user@lists.osgeo.org
Subject: [Qgis-user] Shapefile symbology no longer working when zoom in


I’ve not used QGIS for a number of years and now returned to version 3.34.0.
With projects that worked ok with earlier versions I find that some
shapefiles now only partially work when I zoom in. Text labels continue to
work but sybology markers (point and line) vanish when I zoom to scales
below about 1:10000.


I’ve tried Vector->Geometry Tools->Check Validity but the problem still


Any suggestions?



Andrew Chapman



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