Hi Byron:This is a common mistake when working with lat/long.  Your x value 
should be longitude and latitude should by y. Kirk SchmidtSent from my 
GalaxySent from my Galaxy
-------- Original message --------From: Byron Veilleux via QGIS-User 
<qgis-user@lists.osgeo.org> Date: 2024-11-26  4:02 p.m.  (GMT-05:00) To: 
Qgis-user@lists.osgeo.org Subject: [Qgis-user] CSV of outcrop locations loading 
error i have attached a csv file of several points with 2 simple text labels to 
accompany the x, y positions. when i import this file, i try to import in DMS 
decimal format.  i specify column 2 as the x and column 3 as the y.  when it 
imports, it puts the points in the wrong spot.  the x column becomes y and the 
y columns is completely in error.   this should be a fairly simple import, can 
you please tell me how i can get this file to import properly.  i was importing 
into WGS 84 so that should not be the issue.-- Byron Veilleux, MSc. 
P.GeoConjugate Geologic Services LimitedCalgary, Alberta 
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