Hi ByronThe answer is yes.  Create your 2 grids using the vector to radtor 
tools within qgis or saga and then use grid calculator to obtain the difference 
between the two.Kirk SchmidtSent from my Galaxy
-------- Original message --------From: Emma Hain via QGIS-User 
<qgis-user@lists.osgeo.org> Date: 2024-11-20  12:15 a.m.  (GMT-04:00) To: Byron 
Veilleux <by...@conjugategeo.com> Cc: qgis-user@lists.osgeo.org Subject: Re: 
[Qgis-user] volume calculation workflow. Does this 
 Tue, 12 Nov 2024 at 11:15, Byron Veilleux via QGIS-User 
<qgis-user@lists.osgeo.org> wrote:i have a shapefile with elevation values as 
digitized contours, for the same surface, i have well data elevation points for 
this same surface. is it possible in QGIS to use the contours and well points 
to create a grid?once i have created grids (actually two surfaces), is there a 
way to subtract these grids and calculate the volume between these surfaces?is 
there a tutorial for grid operations such as subtracting one grid from another 
to calculate volumes and multiply grids together or using constant valuesthank 
you-- Byron Veilleux, MSc. P.GeoConjugate Geologic Services LimitedCalgary, 
Alberta Canadabyron@conjugategeo.comCell:4037108414
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-- Emma Hain — Product Manager/Senior GIS Analyst

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