Hi Jim,

I highly recommend using official data for this. The BKG provides a lot of great open data: https://gdz.bkg.bund.de/index.php/default/open-data.html

Check out DLM and Verwaltungsgebiete.

Cheers, Hannes

On 18.11.24 16:53, Jim Jupiter via QGIS-User wrote:
I'm new to GIS and qgis - read some text - watch some tutorials but
but it does not work - so I explain my problem
I would like to create maps of german Landkreise with some important cities and BAB
and export them or parts of it to svg files
a) using OpenStreetMap data (downloading the big file of germany as pbf from geofabrik)
b) use QuickOSM PlugIn with QGis
but it does not work really - first it seems nothing happen -
I put some filters boundaries / adminstrative level 6 / highway motorway
most tries I got nothing - or QGIS puts 1000s and 1000s of point on the map and I can see not more - it seems the e.g area and borders of Schleswig-Holstein is
compressed and vertical (file)
Tried to find tutorials on the net for my problem but did not find the right video
Maybe someone here can help me and provide tips to achive it
Thank you in advance

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Johannes Kröger / GIS-Entwickler/-Berater

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