
my name is jun 

I was using QGIS 3.28 Firenze LTR with Mac/os

The reason I use it is because SAGA GIS works well with it.

I recently switched laptops and was looking for a file to download the 3.28 LTR.

But now I can't seem to find the 3.28 LTR file even if I look in the older 

Could you please email me one of the files, please? I'd appreciate it.

best regards,


최호준 Hojun Choi
환경생태공학과 생태조경설계 연구실 / 석.박사 통합과정

Life Science BD (West) 501A, 145, Anam-ro, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Mobile +82 10-9779-0705
Email chlghwns0...@korea.ac.kr 
KOREA UNIVERSITY Environmental Science & Ecological Engineering, Lab. of 
Ecological Landscape Design & Research

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