
I'm trying to use Qemu to simulate an NMVe device with multiple controllers (is that the correct terminology?) to replicate some behavior that I'm seeing on a physical server.

On this server, I have two devices with a single namespace: nvme0n1 and a nvme1n1, but I also see a device named `nvme1c1n1` which is what I want to replicate.

How can I do that? Reading the NVMe documentation, I couldn't figure it out

The flags I tried were

|-device nvme,id=nvme-ctrl-0,serial=deadbeef \ -drive format=raw,file=disk.raw,if=none,id=nvm0 \ -device nvme-ns,drive=nvm0|

but when I do this, I the device is still "nvme0n1" without the controller



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