Team anyone could you please give a look on this issue even I am also
finding this issue when I am trying for VM to VM communication.
Thanks & Regards
K sai kumar

On Mon, 3 Mar, 2025, 10:02 Vishnupriya Karthy, <> wrote:

> Hi, previously in order to connect with QEMU VM in remote I connected from
> a remote pc via SSH using puTTY, and to visualize the QEMU  session
> launched in the  host pc using my SSH terminal,  I used VNC viewer.
> The problem is after this action, Whenever i run the the QEMU session in
> the host pc, by default the session is running in the VNC server. But i
> have completely disabled all the options for VNC.
> Please help me to resolve this issue. I want the Qemu session to be
> displayed in the my Host PC and not in VNC server.

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