Hi Team

i need to emulate a xilinz zynq 700 series in that  zc702 board i
referred qemu documentation also the xilinx can be support using qemu . i
am able to see the boot and root files of zv702 image i have downloaded
prebuilt image. using qemu command i am emulating the xilinx using the
command as :
qemu-system-aarch64     -M xilinx-zynq-a9     -cpu cortex-a9     -m 1024M
-nographic -append "root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 console=ttyPS0,115200" -dtb
/mnt/boot/system.dtb     -kernel /mnt/boot/uImage after qemu command was
run i am not able to see any boot message what was the issue can you help
me this how can i sort out

sai kumar

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