Hi everyone,
My first post here :)
I'm currently trying to have shared clipboard support between a Linux
host and a Windows 10 guest.
It works perfectly if I use *-display spice-app*. Here are my working
arguments to QEMU:
-name $WINDOW_NAME \
-m 4G \
-smp $(($(nproc) / 3)) \
-hda "$QCOW2_FILE" \
# -incoming "exec: cat memsnapshot"
# -incoming "exec: gzip -c -d memsnapshot.gz"
-cpu host \
-enable-kvm \
-usb -device usb-tablet \
-audiodev pa,id=pa0,out.stream-name=qemu-audio \
-device ich9-intel-hda \
-device hda-output,audiodev=pa0 \
-boot c \
-device virtio-serial,packed=on,ioeventfd=on \
-chardev spicevmc,id=vdagent,name=vdagent \
-device virtserialport,chardev=vdagent,name=com.redhat.spice.0 \
-display spice-app \
# -display gtk \
-device usb-ehci,id=ehci \
-device qemu-xhci,id=xhci
But... I'd prefer to use the Gtk display, for several reasons:
* The mouse cursor is much smoother (looks like the real "hardware"
cursor is used ?).
* When I close the QEMU window, the QEMU process is also ended, as
when with the spice-app display, QEMU continues running, and I have
to kill it manually every time.
* I do not really need the features offered by spice-app /
virt-viewer, and I'm quite used to the existing keyboard shortcuts
of Gtk.
I've tried everything to make the above parameters work with Gtk display:
* Installing several versions of virtio drivers, SPICE VDAgent and
QEMU GUEST Agent on my Windows guest.
* Installing several versions of spice-vdagent and spice-vdagentd on
my Linux host.
* Checking all services are running.
* Modifying QEMU's arguments.
...and never had any clipboard communication (in any direction).
I think my parameters (exposed above) are not so bad as they do work
with "-display spice-app".
So far, my guess is that spice-app / virt-viewer are doing some extra or
different things compared to spice-vdagent ?
Could you guys confirm me that this approach (shared clipboard without
-display spice-app) should work ?
If yes, any idea of what might go wrong here ?
I'm using QEMU version 8.2.2 on Ubuntu 24.04, and my Windows 10
installation is quite standard.
Thanks in advance for your answers !