*Hello I am trying to enable libvirt to support sev-snp. Currently I am
using virsh domcapabilities to check if its enabled but I am getting : <sev

*Followed the instructions at : *

* My AMD CPU supports SEV,SEV-SNP and I have followed all the steps and it
is enabled.  BIOS settings are configured to support SEV,SNP CPU: AMD EPYC

*# cat /sys/module/kvm_amd/parameters/sev*


*# dmesg | grep -i sev*

*[    0.000000] SEV-SNP: RMP table physical range [0x000000002d500000 -

*[    0.009021] SEV-SNP: Reserving start/end of RMP table on a 2MB boundary

*[   11.184492] ccp 0000:01:00.5: sev enabled*

*[   12.664210] ccp 0000:01:00.5: SEV API:1.55 build:36*

*[   12.664217] ccp 0000:01:00.5: SEV-SNP API:1.55 build:36*

*[   12.671343] kvm_amd: SEV enabled (ASIDs 16 - 1006)*

*[   12.671345] kvm_amd: SEV-ES enabled (ASIDs 1 - 15)*

*[   12.671346] kvm_amd: SEV-SNP enabled (ASIDs 1 - 15)*

My guess is that my qemu binary does not support sev cpu feature.
I am trying to add it using:
#qemu-system-x86_64 -cpu host,+sev

But the output is the following.
qemu-system-x86_64: Property 'host-x86_64-cpu.sev' not found

Do you have any insights on this?


*Libvirt version: 10.7.0*

*qemu-system-x86_64 version : 9.1.0*

*Linux kernel version: 6.11.0-rc3*

*Distro: Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS*

* If you need any other information please let me know.*


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