
I see that we can run programs built with SVE on non-SVE-supporting
hosts via `qemu-aarch64 -cpu max,sve-default-vector-length=256` (from
the arm docs: 
but I am having trouble figuring out a way to apply this to a full
system VM launched with `qemu-system-aarch64`. On the same host
machine on which I am able to run a program compiled with SVE using
`qemu-aarch64`, trying to launch a system VM with these parameters
errors out: "qemu-system-aarch64: can't apply global
max-arm-cpu.sve-default-vector-length=256: Property
'max-arm-cpu.sve-default-vector-length' not found"

Is emulating sve on qemu-system-aarch64 with a non-sve host supported,
and if so, would someone be able to point me to some info on the
correct way to configure that?

Mitchell Augustin
Software Engineer - Ubuntu Partner Engineering

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