
On Thu, Dec 12, 2024 at 08:24:22AM -0800, Connor Kuehl wrote:
> Hmm, yeah, in this case, I don't see a more privacy-respecting
> alternative to doing this with the current version of qemu-ga.
> If the extent of your use case is limited to host ssh pubkeys, then
> I'd imagine it wouldn't be a hard sell to pitch the idea of adding
> some new RPCs to qemu-ga, like guest-ssh-get-host-publickeys, seeing
> as there's already commands like
> guest-ssh-{get,set,remove}-authorized-keys.
> Then your customer VMs' qemu-ga.conf can specify just
> guest-ssh-get-host-publickeys in the allowlist.
> Maybe upstream would also be amenable to a more minimal interface as
> you've already described of allowing the guest to assign key,value pairs
> and adding a RPC to allow the hypervisor to fetch bits of data that way.
> Though, it would probably require a fair bit more design before the
> implementation arrives.

What we tried now was writing a small addition on the hypervisor
listening on a serial on all VMs - so we simply create VMs with an
additional serial which had a minimalistic API to send key/value
pairs via a serial to the hypervisors service.

For obvious reasons one would rather like a more standardised approach.

Florian Lohoff                                                     f...@zz.de
  Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

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