Sorry that I pasted wrong session in last email, it should be

(gdb) p/x $hgatp
$5 = 0x800020000008579a
(gdb) p/x *(uint64_t*)0x8579a000
Cannot access memory at address 0x8579a000


On Sat, 2024-11-23 at 21:24 +0800, Yanfeng wrote:
> Dear experts,
> I am checking a working rv64 program with hypervisor extension on QEMU v6.1
> via
> GDB.
> While V=0 and Priv=1, I can see page table pointed by $satp from GDB. 
> However, while V=1, I can read $hgatp from GDB, but can't read the page table
> any more:
> ```
> (gdb) p/x $hgatp
> $4 = 0x800020000008579a
> (gdb) p/x *(uint64_t*)0x84027000
> Cannot access memory at address 0x84027000
> (gdb)
> ```
> I am wondering if my GDB usage is incorrect?
> Regards,
> yf

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