
I'd like to use an executable file as a configuration file for `qemu` using
a shebang : let me explain.

I currently store my configuration like this in `configuration.qemu` :

- argument -option


and I call `qemu` like this and it works as expected :
`$ qemu $(<configuration.qemu)`

which corresponds to the following command line :
`$ qemu -argument -argument -option -etc...`

I can also add additional/temporary arguments/options on the command line
if I wish.

I'd like to add comments to this configuration file :
# this is a configuration file for...


# this option...
-argument -option

# add your own arguments/options here...

but passed directly in this way, these comments become arguments/options
for `qemu` :
$ qemu $(<configuration.qemu)
qemu-system-x86_64: # this is a configuration file for...: Could not open
'# this is a configuration file for...': No such file or directory

I can eliminate them using `grep` like this :
`$ qemu $(grep -v '^#' configuration.qemu)`

but it seems to me complicated and time-consuming to enter.

so I wanted to use `grep` as shebang :
#!/usr/bin/grep -v '^#'
# this is a configuration file for...


# this option...
-argument -option

# add your own arguments/options here...

but it doesn't work as I'd hoped :
$ qemu $(./configuration.qemu)
/usr/bin/grep: invalid option -- ' '
Usage: grep [OPTION]... PATTERNS [FILE]...
Try 'grep --help' for more information.

does anyone have an explanation or another way to get a commented
configuration file ?

regards, lacsaP.

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