On 30.05.23 19:29, Eric Blake wrote:
On Mon, May 29, 2023 at 05:26:50PM +0300, Vladimir Sementsov-Ogievskiy wrote:
On 15.05.23 22:53, Eric Blake wrote:
Upstream NBD now documents[1] an extension that supports 64-bit effect
lengths in requests.  As part of that extension, the size of the reply
headers will change in order to permit a 64-bit length in the reply
for symmetry[2].  Additionally, where the reply header is currently
16 bytes for simple reply, and 20 bytes for structured reply; with the
extension enabled, there will only be one structured reply type, of 32
bytes.  Since we are already wired up to use iovecs, it is easiest to
allow for this change in header size by splitting each structured
reply across two iovecs, one for the header (which will become
variable-length in a future patch according to client negotiation),
and the other for the payload, and removing the header from the
payload struct definitions.  Interestingly, the client side code never
utilized the packed types, so only the server code needs to be

Actually, it does, since previous patch :) But, it becomes even better now? 
Anyway some note somewhere is needed I think.

Oh, indeed - but only in a sizeof expression for an added assertion
check, and not actually for in-memory storage.

If you are envisioning a comment addition, where are you thinking it
should be placed?

Thinking of it again, the check in 02 is incorrect originally, as it calculates 
NBDStructuredReplyChunk as part of payload, and with 03 it becomes correct. So, 
swapping 02 and 03 commits will make everything correct with no additional 

-static inline void set_be_chunk(NBDStructuredReplyChunk *chunk, uint16_t flags,
-                                uint16_t type, uint64_t handle, uint32_t 
+static inline void set_be_chunk(NBDClient *client, struct iovec *iov,

Suggestion: pass niov here too, and caluculate "length" as a sum of iov lengths 
starting from second extent automatically.

Makes sense.

Also, worth documenting that set_be_chunk() expects half-initialized iov, with 
.iov_base pointing to NBDReply (IN parameter) and .iov_len unset (OUT 
parameter), as that's not usual practice

Yeah, I'm not sure if there is a better interface, but either I come
up with one, or at least better document what I landed on.

+                                uint16_t flags, uint16_t type,
+                                uint64_t handle, uint32_t length)
+    NBDStructuredReplyChunk *chunk = iov->iov_base;
+    iov->iov_len = sizeof(*chunk);
       stl_be_p(&chunk->magic, NBD_STRUCTURED_REPLY_MAGIC);
       stw_be_p(&chunk->flags, flags);
       stw_be_p(&chunk->type, type);


Best regards,

Best regards,

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