On 5/16/23 08:21, Christian Schoenebeck wrote:
The following changes since commit ab4c44d657aeca7e1da6d6dcb1741c8e7d357b8b:
Merge tag 'block-pull-request' ofhttps://gitlab.com/stefanha/qemu into
staging (2023-05-15 13:54:33 -0700)
are available in the Git repository at:
https://github.com/cschoenebeck/qemu.git tags/pull-9p-20230516
for you to fetch changes up to 3887702e5f8995638c98f9d9326b4913fb107be7:
configure: make clear that VirtFS is 9p (2023-05-16 16:21:54 +0200)
9pfs: fixes
* Fixes for Xen, configure and a theoretical leak.
Applied, thanks. Please update https://wiki.qemu.org/ChangeLog/8.1 as