On 5/11/23 05:54, John Snow wrote:
+    if checkpip():
+        # We ran ensurepip. We need to re-run post_init...!
+        args = [sys.executable, __file__, "post_init"]
+        subprocess.run(args, check=True)
+        return
      # Finally, generate a 'pip' script so the venv is usable in a normal
      # way from the CLI. This only happens when we inherited pip from a
      # parent/system-site and haven't run ensurepip in some way.

Can't this just be:

+    if not checkpip():
+        # Finally, generate a 'pip' script so the venv is usable in a normal
+        # way from the CLI. This only happens when we inherited pip from a
+        # parent/system-site and haven't run ensurepip in some way.
+        generate_console_scripts(["pip"])

even squashed in the original Debian 10 patch?

You don't need to generate the pip shims if ensurepip has been run.


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