On Mon, 08 May 2023 10:12:35 +0200
Juan Quintela <quint...@redhat.com> wrote:

> Lukas Straub <lukasstra...@web.de> wrote:
> > On Tue, 02 May 2023 12:39:12 +0200
> > Juan Quintela <quint...@redhat.com> wrote:
> >
> >> [...]
> >> 
> >> my patches are only code movement and cleanups, so Lukas any clue?
> >> 
> >> Lukas, I am going to drop the compress code for now and pass the other
> >> patches.  In the meanwhile, I am going to try to setup some machine
> >> where I can run the upstream tests and see if I can reproduce there.
> >> BTW, I would be happy if you double check that I did the rebase
> >> correctly, they didn't apply correctly, but as said, the tests have been
> >> running for two/three days on all my daily testing, so I thought that I
> >> did the things correctly.
> Hi
> > Hi,
> > I rebased the series here and got exactly the same files as in this
> > pull request. And I can't reproduce these failures either.
> Nice
> > Maybe you can run the CI just on the newly added compress tests and see
> > if it already blows up without the refactoring?
> It does, I don't have to check O:-)
> The initial reason that I did the compression code on top of multifd was
> that I was not able to get the old compression code to run "reliabely"
> on my testing.
> > Anyway, this series is not so important anymore...
> What about:
> - I add the series as they are, because the code is better than what we
>   have before (and being in a different file makes it easier to
>   deprecate, not compile, ...)
> - I just disable the tests until we find something that works.
> Richard, Lukas?

That is fine with me.

> Later, Juan.
> >> Richard, once that we are here, one of the problem that we are having is
> >> that the test is exiting with an abort, so we have no clue what is
> >> happening.  Is there a way to get a backtrace, or at least the number
> >> 
> >> Later, Juan.
> >> 

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