On Fri, Feb 24, 2023 at 06:08:57PM +0000, Alex Bennée wrote:
> Apparently the docker-in-docker approach has some flaws including
> needing privileged mode to run and being quite slow. An alternative
> approach is to use Google's kaniko tool. It also works across
> different gitlab executors.

Interesting, I've not come across this tool before.

> Following the gitlab example code we drop all the direct docker calls
> and usage of the script and make a direct call to kaniko and hope the
> images are cacheable by others.

> Signed-off-by: Alex Bennée <alex.ben...@linaro.org>
> ---
>  .gitlab-ci.d/container-template.yml | 23 +++++++++--------------
>  1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.d/container-template.yml 
> b/.gitlab-ci.d/container-template.yml
> index c434b9c8f3..c2d7950df8 100644
> --- a/.gitlab-ci.d/container-template.yml
> +++ b/.gitlab-ci.d/container-template.yml
> @@ -1,22 +1,17 @@
>  .container_job_template:
>    extends: .base_job_template
> -  image: docker:stable
> +  image:
> +    name: gcr.io/kaniko-project/executor:v1.9.0-debug
> +    entrypoint: [""]
>    stage: containers
> -  services:
> -    - docker:dind
>    before_script:
>      - export TAG="$CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/qemu/$NAME:latest"
> -    - export COMMON_TAG="$CI_REGISTRY/qemu-project/qemu/$NAME:latest"
> -    - apk add python3
> -    - docker info
> -    - docker login $CI_REGISTRY -u "$CI_REGISTRY_USER" -p 
> +    - export COMMON_TAG="$CI_REGISTRY/qemu-project/qemu/qemu/$NAME:latest"
>    script:
>      - echo "TAG:$TAG"
>      - echo "COMMON_TAG:$COMMON_TAG"
> -    - ./tests/docker/docker.py --engine docker build
> -          -t "qemu/$NAME" -f "tests/docker/dockerfiles/$NAME.docker"
> -          -r $CI_REGISTRY/qemu-project/qemu
> -    - docker tag "qemu/$NAME" "$TAG"
> -    - docker push "$TAG"
> -  after_script:
> -    - docker logout
> +    - /kaniko/executor
> +          --reproducible
> +          --context "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}"
> +          --dockerfile 
> "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/tests/docker/dockerfiles/$NAME.docker"
> +          --destination "${TAG}"

AFAICT from reading the docs, this does not allow for caching of layers
from the previous built image, so will always do a from scratch build.
This feels like it would kill any performance benefits over docker.


  "Users can opt into caching by setting the --cache=true flag. A
   remote repository for storing cached layers can be provided via
   the --cache-repo flag. If this flag isn't provided, a cached
   repo will be inferred from the --destination provided."

So it would sound like we need --cache=true adding to this command,
and in theory it should prime its cache from ${TAG}, but i'm not
entirely confident in that without testing. Also does not seem
like its psosible to have the dual cache COMMON_TAG + TAG, which
is particularly important for forks, since COMMON_TAG is more
likely to be up2date.

We could live with the latter restriction if we *always* used
COMMON_TAG as the cache, because 99% of the time forks are
going to just be using dockerfiles that match upstream. Only
those few contributors who have a branch that's changing
the dockerfiles would benefit from pointing the cache at
their fork.

So we could achieve that I believe using

     - /kaniko/executor
           --context "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}"
           --cache-repo "${COMMON_TAG}"
           --destination "${TAG}"

With regards,
|: https://berrange.com      -o-    https://www.flickr.com/photos/dberrange :|
|: https://libvirt.org         -o-            https://fstop138.berrange.com :|
|: https://entangle-photo.org    -o-    https://www.instagram.com/dberrange :|

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