Andreas Färber wrote:
Am 19.01.2012 17:40, schrieb Erik Rull:
Erik Rull wrote:
Erik Rull wrote:
Erik Rull wrote:
Anthony Liguori wrote:
On 12/19/2011 03:33 PM, Erik Rull wrote:
Hi all,

coming from qemu 0.14 the usbdevice tablet update rate gets really
bad in
qemu-1.0 with the same guest.

What's the specific guest?


Anthony Liguori

It's a Windows XP guest. It was fine in 0.14


Best regards,


Any progress here? I tested it on another CPU board there it was worse -
only 1-2 cursor updates per second :-(
I tried to use the wacom-tablet but didn't find a driver that works.

Best regards,


Hi all,

today I tested some stuff with VNC for remote access of the VM - there
update rate of the USB tablet (mouse cursor) was really great. So the
question is now:
- Same host operating system for 0.14 and 1.0
- Same command line parameters beside the vnc option
Why is the native mouse on the qemu 0.14 system good for both vnc and
native and on the qemu 1.0 system only good for vnc and bad for the
hardware mouse?

Maybe this helps finding the source of evil...
If you have ideas what to change / patches to test, just let me know.

Best regards,


Hi all,

I additionally tested -std vga to exclude that it might be related to
the cirrus emulation - but same result. So there seems to be a
difference between the captured cursor for the native X-Windows window
and the VNC window that occured somewhere between 0.14 and 1.0.

Then try `git bisect start v1.0 v0.14.0' to find out when exactly the
perceived behavior changed. :)


Hi Andreas,

thanks for the hint, I haven't used git up to now. Very interesting feature.
I just did a clone of the current qemu-kvm (which I use) and started to bisect, but got an error, where I don't know how to proceed:
erik@debian:~/qemu-test/qemu-kvm$ git bisect good qemu-kvm-0.14.0
You need to start by "git bisect start"
Do you want me to do it for you [Y/n]?
erik@debian:~/qemu-test/qemu-kvm$ git bisect bad qemu-kvm-1.0
Bisecting: 2043 revisions left to test after this
fatal: Entry 'roms/seabios' not uptodate. Cannot merge.

Any ideas?
I did a git pull, but I just got the response that it is already up to date...

Best regards,


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