> What i mean here is that in gen-icount.h, the icount_decr.u32 field is
> exhausted and jumps out to the cpu-exec loop. This is where you would
> fall into tb_add_jump with the second argument being 2, and only if
> icount_extra was greater than zero. This is what I meant, and
> previously you showed me that the chaining is left intact by the check
> in tb_add_jump. Hope this is clearer. -Jim

  I am not familiar with icount stuff, so some dunmp questions here. In 
gen_icount_start (gen-icount.h), it loads icount_decr.u32 into count,
then subtracts 0xdeadbeef from count, finally stores count back to

  1) Why subtract 0xdeadbeef from count? Does 0xdeadbeef have any meaning?

  2) Why store count back to icount_decr.u16.low rather than icount_decr.u32? 

In cpu_exec (cpu-exec.c),

  // Does insns_left means how many guest instructions left in tb and needed
  // to be executed?
  insns_left = env->icount_decr.u32;

  // what the if-branch means, in particular icount_extra? I guess it has
  // something to do with Qemu timer, but not sure.
  if (env->icount_extra && insns_left >= 0) {

    // I cannot figure out what's going on here. Could you shed light on it? 

  } else {

  Many thanks! :)


Wei-Ren Chen (陳韋任)
Computer Systems Lab, Institute of Information Science,
Academia Sinica, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Tel:886-2-2788-3799 #1667
Homepage: http://people.cs.nctu.edu.tw/~chenwj

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