
> What does this loop in main?
> for (wrk = environ; *wrk != NULL; wrk++) {
>          (void) envlist_setenv(envlist, *wrk);
>      }

  You can check envlist.[ch] first. I think what the loop does is copying host
environ (user environment. HOME, SHELL, PATH...etc) to struct envlist 
Latter on, QEMU calls function envlist_to_environ to transform envlist to target
environ which is used by the guest application.


Wei-Ren Chen (陳韋任)
Computer Systems Lab, Institute of Information Science,
Academia Sinica, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Tel:886-2-2788-3799 #1667
Homepage: http://people.cs.nctu.edu.tw/~chenwj

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