On 01/16/2012 06:59 PM, Stefan Hajnoczi wrote:
> > +        }
> > +        qtest_send_prefix(chr);
> > +        qtest_send(chr, "OK 0x%04x\n", value);
> Endianness is a little weird here.  memory.c will byteswap if target
> and device endianness differ.
> Imagine the case where we're on an x86 host, running a ppc guest,
> reading from PCI configuration space (little-endian).  Since ppc
> (target endian) is big-endian and the device is little-endian the
> value read/written will be byteswapped.  However, our qtest runs on
> the host and therefore we don't want that automatic swap (or we need
> to neutralize it by performing another byteswap on top).

Good catch.  This is another example of how an access depends not only
on the destination, but also on the source.  Here the source is not the
cpu; it's qtest.

error compiling committee.c: too many arguments to function

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