On 01/15/2012 05:44 PM, Michael Tokarev wrote:
+             * stdout (temporarily) to the pipe to parent,

This is a bit of a hack.

There's another way -- to keep the writing pipe end in some
local variable and use that one instead of STDOUT_FILENO.
I can do it that way for sure, just thought it's already
using too much local variables.

Yes, that would be better.

Done in a v2 version I sent you.

Please stay on the list.

+    /* now complete the daemonizing procedure.
+     */
+    if (device&&   !verbose) {
+        if (chdir("/")<   0) {
+            err(EXIT_FAILURE, "unable to chdir to /");
+        }
+        /* this redirects stderr to /dev/null */
+        /* this redirects stdout to /dev/null too, and closes parent pipe */
+    }

Half of this is already done in client_thread, and that would be
theplace where you should add dup2(0, 1).

Um, I missed that "half of this" part.  Indeed, nbd_client_thread()
does dup2(STDOUT_FILENO, STDERR_FILENO) which should go away, but
it is harmless for now, and can be addressed in a separate patch.

Again, _the client thread_ is the right place to do this!  See below.

I partly disagree.

I wanted to de-couple -c (device) case with daemonizing.
client_thread only works in -c case, but daemonizing in
that case is wrong as I already pointed out in another
email - we should either stop daemonizing here at all
or have a separate option for it.

We can only clean up standard file descriptors after all
initialization tasks have been done. nbd_client_thread could still write
error messages. Your patch introduces a race.

Please elaborate where the race is.  Do you mean one
thread can write error message while another at the
same time is closing the filedescriptor in question, --
that race?


We're doomed anyway, and it is even good
we've a small remote chance for our error message to
be seen.  Currently it just goes to /dev/null.

No, currently it is sent from the daemon to the parent through the pipe, the parent prints it and exits with status code 1. With your patch, if the dup2 wins the race you exit with status code 0; if the client thread wins the race it is the same as master.

That's not a bad intention.  I'm fixing existing logic without
introducing new logical changes.  If you want to fix other
stuff, it is better be done in a separate commit/change.

AFAIK the only known bug (besides the devfd/sockfd mixup) is the missing chdir, and that should be fixed first.


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