Am 10.01.2012 13:40, schrieb Peter Maydell:
> On 23 December 2011 11:40, Evgeny Voevodin <> wrote:
>> +
>> +#define     TCNTB(x)    (0xC*x)
>> +#define     TCMPB(x)    (0xC*x+1)
>> +#define     TCNTO(x)    (0xC*x+2)
>> +
>> +#define     GET_PRESCALER(reg, x)  ((reg&(0xFF<<(8*x)))>>8*x)
>> +#define     GET_DIVIDER(reg, x)    (1<<((0xF<<(4*x))>>(4*x)))
> These macros (and the ones below) brackets around arguments (ie "(x)")
> to avoid operator precedence issues.

And add the usual spaces around operators for readability, please.

>> +static SysBusDeviceInfo exynos4210_pwm_info = {
>> +  = "exynos4210.pwm",
>> +        .qdev.size  = sizeof(struct Exynos4210PWMState),
>> +        .qdev.reset = exynos4210_pwm_reset,
>> +        .qdev.vmsd = &VMState_Exynos4210PWMState,
>> +        .init = exynos4210_pwm_init,
>> +        .qdev.props = (Property[]) {
>> +            DEFINE_PROP_END_OF_LIST(),
>> +        }
> If you don't have any properties, you don't need to set .qdev.props
> at all -- there's no need to explicitly write out an empty list like this.

For qdev, that's a matter of taste (I usually add empty lists myself).
With QOM that leads to a named static array with one NULL entry that can
be avoided by following Peter's suggestion.


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GF: Jeff Hawn, Jennifer Guild, Felix Imendörffer; HRB 16746 AG Nürnberg

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