From: Axel Heider <>

Signed-off-by: Axel Heider <>
 hw/timer/imx_epit.c | 211 ++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 1 file changed, 115 insertions(+), 96 deletions(-)

diff --git a/hw/timer/imx_epit.c b/hw/timer/imx_epit.c
index b0ef727efb..30280a9ac1 100644
--- a/hw/timer/imx_epit.c
+++ b/hw/timer/imx_epit.c
@@ -156,130 +156,149 @@ static void imx_epit_reload_compare_timer(IMXEPITState 
-static void imx_epit_write(void *opaque, hwaddr offset, uint64_t value,
-                           unsigned size)
+static void imx_epit_write_cr(IMXEPITState *s, uint32_t value)
-    IMXEPITState *s = IMX_EPIT(opaque);
-    uint64_t freq = 0;
-    uint64_t oldcr;
-    DPRINTF("(%s, value = 0x%08x)\n", imx_epit_reg_name(offset >> 2),
-            (uint32_t)value);
+    uint32_t freq = 0;
+    uint32_t oldcr = s->cr;
-    switch (offset >> 2) {
-    case 0: /* CR */
-        oldcr = s->cr;
-        /* SWR bit is never persisted, it clears itself once reset is done */
-        s->cr = (value & ~CR_SWR) & 0x03ffffff;
-        if (value & CR_SWR) {
-            /* handle the reset */
-            imx_epit_reset(DEVICE(s));
-            /*
-             * TODO: could we 'break' here? following operations appear
-             * to duplicate the work imx_epit_reset() already did.
-             */
-        }
-        ptimer_transaction_begin(s->timer_cmp);
-        ptimer_transaction_begin(s->timer_reload);
+    /* SWR bit is never persisted, it clears itself once reset is done */
+    s->cr = (value & ~CR_SWR) & 0x03ffffff;
+    if (value & CR_SWR) {
+        /* handle the reset */
+        imx_epit_reset(DEVICE(s));
-         * Update the frequency. In case of a reset the input clock was
-         * switched off, so this can be skipped.
+         * TODO: could we 'break' here? following operations appear
+         * to duplicate the work imx_epit_reset() already did.
-        if (!(value & CR_SWR)) {
-            freq = imx_epit_get_freq(s);
-            if (freq) {
-                ptimer_set_freq(s->timer_reload, freq);
-                ptimer_set_freq(s->timer_cmp, freq);
-            }
-        }
+    }
-        if (freq && (s->cr & CR_EN) && !(oldcr & CR_EN)) {
-            if (s->cr & CR_ENMOD) {
-                if (s->cr & CR_RLD) {
-                    ptimer_set_limit(s->timer_reload, s->lr, 1);
-                    ptimer_set_limit(s->timer_cmp, s->lr, 1);
-                } else {
-                    ptimer_set_limit(s->timer_reload, EPIT_TIMER_MAX, 1);
-                    ptimer_set_limit(s->timer_cmp, EPIT_TIMER_MAX, 1);
-                }
-            }
+    ptimer_transaction_begin(s->timer_cmp);
+    ptimer_transaction_begin(s->timer_reload);
-            imx_epit_reload_compare_timer(s);
-            ptimer_run(s->timer_reload, 0);
-            if (s->cr & CR_OCIEN) {
-                ptimer_run(s->timer_cmp, 0);
+    /*
+     * Update the frequency. In case of a reset the input clock was
+     * switched off, so this can be skipped.
+     */
+    if (!(value & CR_SWR)) {
+        freq = imx_epit_get_freq(s);
+        if (freq) {
+            ptimer_set_freq(s->timer_reload, freq);
+            ptimer_set_freq(s->timer_cmp, freq);
+        }
+    }
+    if (freq && (s->cr & CR_EN) && !(oldcr & CR_EN)) {
+        if (s->cr & CR_ENMOD) {
+            if (s->cr & CR_RLD) {
+                ptimer_set_limit(s->timer_reload, s->lr, 1);
+                ptimer_set_limit(s->timer_cmp, s->lr, 1);
             } else {
-                ptimer_stop(s->timer_cmp);
-            }
-        } else if (!(s->cr & CR_EN)) {
-            /* stop both timers */
-            ptimer_stop(s->timer_reload);
-            ptimer_stop(s->timer_cmp);
-        } else  if (s->cr & CR_OCIEN) {
-            if (!(oldcr & CR_OCIEN)) {
-                imx_epit_reload_compare_timer(s);
-                ptimer_run(s->timer_cmp, 0);
+                ptimer_set_limit(s->timer_reload, EPIT_TIMER_MAX, 1);
+                ptimer_set_limit(s->timer_cmp, EPIT_TIMER_MAX, 1);
+        }
+        imx_epit_reload_compare_timer(s);
+        ptimer_run(s->timer_reload, 0);
+        if (s->cr & CR_OCIEN) {
+            ptimer_run(s->timer_cmp, 0);
         } else {
+    } else if (!(s->cr & CR_EN)) {
+        /* stop both timers */
+        ptimer_stop(s->timer_reload);
+        ptimer_stop(s->timer_cmp);
+    } else  if (s->cr & CR_OCIEN) {
+        if (!(oldcr & CR_OCIEN)) {
+            imx_epit_reload_compare_timer(s);
+            ptimer_run(s->timer_cmp, 0);
+        }
+    } else {
+        ptimer_stop(s->timer_cmp);
+    }
+    ptimer_transaction_commit(s->timer_cmp);
+    ptimer_transaction_commit(s->timer_reload);
+static void imx_epit_write_sr(IMXEPITState *s, uint32_t value)
+    /* writing 1 to OCIF clears the OCIF bit and the interrupt */
+    if (value & 0x01) {
+        s->sr = 0;
+        qemu_irq_lower(s->irq);
+    }
+static void imx_epit_write_lr(IMXEPITState *s, uint32_t value)
+    s->lr = value;
+    ptimer_transaction_begin(s->timer_cmp);
+    ptimer_transaction_begin(s->timer_reload);
+    if (s->cr & CR_RLD) {
+        /* Also set the limit if the LRD bit is set */
+        /* If IOVW bit is set then set the timer value */
+        ptimer_set_limit(s->timer_reload, s->lr, s->cr & CR_IOVW);
+        ptimer_set_limit(s->timer_cmp, s->lr, 0);
+    } else if (s->cr & CR_IOVW) {
+        /* If IOVW bit is set then set the timer value */
+        ptimer_set_count(s->timer_reload, s->lr);
+    }
+    /*
+     * Commit the change to s->timer_reload, so it can propagate. Otherwise
+     * the timer interrupt may not fire properly. The commit must happen
+     * before calling imx_epit_reload_compare_timer(), which reads
+     * s->timer_reload internally again.
+     */
+    ptimer_transaction_commit(s->timer_reload);
+    imx_epit_reload_compare_timer(s);
+    ptimer_transaction_commit(s->timer_cmp);
+static void imx_epit_write_cmp(IMXEPITState *s, uint32_t value)
+    s->cmp = value;
+    ptimer_transaction_begin(s->timer_cmp);
+    imx_epit_reload_compare_timer(s);
+    ptimer_transaction_commit(s->timer_cmp);
+static void imx_epit_write(void *opaque, hwaddr offset, uint64_t value,
+                           unsigned size)
+    IMXEPITState *s = IMX_EPIT(opaque);
+    DPRINTF("(%s, value = 0x%08x)\n", imx_epit_reg_name(offset >> 2),
+            (uint32_t)value);
-        ptimer_transaction_commit(s->timer_cmp);
-        ptimer_transaction_commit(s->timer_reload);
+    switch (offset >> 2) {
+    case 0: /* CR */
+        imx_epit_write_cr(s, (uint32_t)value);
-    case 1: /* SR - ACK*/
-        /* writing 1 to OCIF clears the OCIF bit and the interrupt */
-        if (value & 0x01) {
-            s->sr = 0;
-            qemu_irq_lower(s->irq);
-        }
+    case 1: /* SR */
+        imx_epit_write_sr(s, (uint32_t)value);
-    case 2: /* LR - set ticks */
-        s->lr = value;
-        ptimer_transaction_begin(s->timer_cmp);
-        ptimer_transaction_begin(s->timer_reload);
-        if (s->cr & CR_RLD) {
-            /* Also set the limit if the LRD bit is set */
-            /* If IOVW bit is set then set the timer value */
-            ptimer_set_limit(s->timer_reload, s->lr, s->cr & CR_IOVW);
-            ptimer_set_limit(s->timer_cmp, s->lr, 0);
-        } else if (s->cr & CR_IOVW) {
-            /* If IOVW bit is set then set the timer value */
-            ptimer_set_count(s->timer_reload, s->lr);
-        }
-        /*
-         * Commit the change to s->timer_reload, so it can propagate. Otherwise
-         * the timer interrupt may not fire properly. The commit must happen
-         * before calling imx_epit_reload_compare_timer(), which reads
-         * s->timer_reload internally again.
-         */
-        ptimer_transaction_commit(s->timer_reload);
-        imx_epit_reload_compare_timer(s);
-        ptimer_transaction_commit(s->timer_cmp);
+    case 2: /* LR */
+        imx_epit_write_lr(s, (uint32_t)value);
     case 3: /* CMP */
-        s->cmp = value;
-        ptimer_transaction_begin(s->timer_cmp);
-        imx_epit_reload_compare_timer(s);
-        ptimer_transaction_commit(s->timer_cmp);
+        imx_epit_write_cmp(s, (uint32_t)value);
         qemu_log_mask(LOG_GUEST_ERROR, "[%s]%s: Bad register at offset 0x%"
                       HWADDR_PRIx "\n", TYPE_IMX_EPIT, __func__, offset);
 static void imx_epit_cmp(void *opaque)
     IMXEPITState *s = IMX_EPIT(opaque);

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