Mark Cave-Ayland <> writes:

> On 12/10/2022 13:11, Alex Bennée wrote:


>> +Becoming a maintainer
>> +---------------------
>> +
>> +Maintainers are volunteers who put themselves forward to keep an eye
>> +on an area of code. They are generally accepted by the community to

Do you mean "expected by the community"?

>> +have a good understanding of the subsystem and able to make a positive
>> +contribution to the project.
> Is it worth making this a bit stronger such as "having a demonstrable track 
> record of providing accepted upstream patches"? I'm not sure if this is being 
> a bit too 
> nit-picky, however someone could have good understanding of a subsystem such 
> as PCI but be still unfamiliar with the QEMU's PCI APIs and how they should 
> be used.

I think existing practice varies.

For something that is widely used, we generally require enough of a
track record (contributions *and* reviews) to inspire confidence.

But if you submit something new, say a machine, we may ask you to stick
around and maintain it as a prerequisite for merging.


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